MedSolut AG

Chemicals cabinet - safe storage of hazardous substances

Extreme care must be taken when handling hazardous chemicals. Therefore, laboratory personnel must have appropriate training. In addition, toxic hazardous substances should always be stored safely and inaccessible to unauthorised persons for the protection of employees. At you will find a large selection of chemical cabinets from brand manufacturers that meet the highest safety standards. Our team of experts will be happy to advise you on choosing the right chemical cabinet for the chemicals you need to store.

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Chemicals cabinet: features and equipment

Chemical cabinets are designed to store toxic or otherwise hazardous, non-flammable chemical substances. They are generally equipped with compartments in which the substances are stored upright in suitable containers. Since the container size can vary greatly depending on the chemical and the application, the shelves are usually adjustable to meet the requirements.

  • The cabinet can also be equipped with a drip tray, which should be able to hold at least 10% of the volume to be stored.
  • The shelves can be partially pulled out to allow safe access to vessels standing at the rear.
  • To prevent unauthorized access, the cabinets can be locked and their locks have appropriate security devices.
  • The sturdy doors can be easily fixed to ensure safer storage and retrieval.
  • Ventilation provides additional protection from toxic atmospheres inside the cabinet.

For flammable and explosive materials, a fireproof safety cabinet is also an option. Acids and alkalis are best stored in an acid/alkali cabinet. Other storage options include a gas cylinder cabinet for compressed gas cylinders, an environmental cabinet for environmentally hazardous substances or a drum cabinet for large drums.

Chemicals cabinet: regulations and standards

Important specifications for the storage of hazardous substances are set out in the Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances (TRGS) . TRGS 510 applies to hazardous substances in portable containers. If flammable substances are also stored, EN14470-1 also applies to flammable liquids. In this regard, corresponding regulations also apply to chemical cabinets, a large number of the cabinet models at the respective set of regulations intended for this... Chemical cabinets must ensure that the chemical substances can be stored in a tilt-resistant and stable manner. The containers must always be closed and, in addition, be suitable for the chemicals and labeled accordingly. The cabinets should also have a venting facility. This can be ventilation slots or a possibility to connect the cabinet to a technical ventilation system.

Ventilation: Chemicals cabinet with exhaust system

Integrated ventilation is an essential feature of a chemical cabinet and is of great importance. Despite the greatest care, it is possible for chemicals to escape, for example due to defective closures. Substances with a high vapor pressure can also outgas, creating a dangerous mixture when combined with other chemicals. To protect employees from toxic vapors and gases when opening and closing the cabinet, the chemical cabinet should have an exhaust system. A technical ventilation system continuously ensures safety inside the cabinet. If very different substances are stored in the cabinet, it may also make sense to use separate ventilation systems for the individual cabinet areas.

Design variants of a chemicals cabinet

Depending on the quantity, variety and chemical nature of the substances to be stored , different designs are available for a chemical cabinet. The internal operating processes also have an influence on the choice of the cabinet.

The size: large or small chemical cabinet?

Chemical cabinets are available in a wide range of sizes, and both width and height can be combined very flexibly. Low cabinets are particularly suitable for storing very heavy containers that should not be lifted above head height. A small chemical cabinet is for example the asecos CS-CLASSIC (width 105 cm, height 110 cm).

Different door variants

In most cases, the doors can be adapted very individually and are especially tailored to the personal needs of the user. Hinged doors are the most common variant and can be selected as a single door with right or left hinges or, in the case of wider cabinets, as a double door. Other options include folding doors, which are more space efficient, but usually more maintenance prone due to their folding mechanism.

Glass cutout and color

Appearance is also an important criterion when choosing the right model. You can choose the chemical cabinets at in many different colors. For example, you have the option of neutral or signal colors to match the laboratory equipment. Doors can also have a glass cutout for easier viewing of contents.

Complement with Type 90 unit

To better store flammable and combustible substances, chemical cabinets must meet the necessary additional safety requirements. Therefore, it is possible to supplement individual cabinets with an additional unit, which is made of special fire-resistant material and complies with fire protection classes Type 30 or Type 90.

Chemicals cabinets for laboratory and industry - manufacturer at

With safety cabinets from you acquire systems from the industry leaders. We have the following manufacturers in our offer:


asecos is Europe's leading manufacturer of safety cabinets. Since 1994, the company has stood for safety and environmental protection and has anchored this company philosophy in its company name. The name asecos is derived from a merger of the words Security and Ecology. The portfolio of chemical safety cabinets from asecos includes models with a wide range of features and sizes.


The family-owned company Düperthal is Germany's technology leader. The customer-oriented company sets the quality standards for chemical storage and the storage of other hazardous materials. An example of the products at is the Düperthal chemical cabinet L with type 90 unit.

The right chemicals cabinet for your work area - get free advice now!

If you want to expand your laboratory equipment with a chemical cabinet, we are happy to be your competent partner. Contact us at any time - our experts will advise you personally and comprehensively on the selection of the right equipment for your requirements. You can reach our team by phone at +49 30 2096579 00 or via e-mail at