MedSolut AG

Safety in the laboratory: with this equipment, your personnel are optimally protected

MedSolut AG
2021-02-09 13:19:00 / Guide
Safety in the laboratory: with this equipment, your personnel are optimally protected - Optimal Laboratory Safety Equipment for Personnel Protection

Toxic, corrosive or flammable substances can significantly threaten the health of people who work with them. The environment is also severely affected if the corresponding substances are not handled properly. In general, it can be assumed that laboratory employees are exposed to high risks in some cases, depending on the industry and the area of work.

Efficient protection and more safety for laboratory employees

Especially in the biological or medical sector, where you come into direct contact with viruses, bacteria and other pathogens, for example. Protecting staff as soon as they enter the laboratory, as well as during the course of their daily work, must therefore be one of the essential basic ideas in everyday laboratory and institute work. When leaving the premises, the focus is also on the safety and protection of employees, visitors and people in the immediate vicinity. Particularly against the background of avoiding the outbreak or spread of diseases and reducing the hazard potential to a minimum.

Prevention - correctly assessing the hazard potential

The so-called bio-substances, which are worked with in many laboratories, are divided into four categories:

  • according to the probability of whether a substance or sample can cause disease in humans
  • according to the potential risk of spreading the disease in the population
  • the chances of success in terms of how well a possible disease can be treated
  • the chances of being able to prevent a possible disease from occurring in the first place

Note from the MedSolut team

The more dangerous a biosubstance, the more contagious and the more difficult it is to treat a resulting disease, the more important it is to take maximum safety precautions. Of course, these should not be at the expense of the working conditions prevailing in the laboratory.

Safety clothing and technologies for your personnel

Optimal protection in laboratories is mainly ensured by the use of special surface disinfectants and solid work and protective clothing. Systems and selected products for hand hygiene, examination and protective gloves are also part of the portfolio. If required, this is supplemented by respiratory protection masks and innovative safety and protection technologies. Prevention plays a key role in everyday laboratory work. Thorough training and instruction in occupational safety, as well as regular safety briefings, serve to protect each individual.

Safety in the laboratory workplace includes, among other things, the segment of hazardous materials, biological substances, and fire and explosion hazards. In general, various regulations and guidelines must be observed to ensure adequate occupational safety in the laboratory. In addition to the requirements of the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV), the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances (GefStoffV), the Workplace Ordinance (ArbStättV) or the Technical Rules (TRGS), there are many other basic principles about which we at would be happy to provide you with full information.

Protective goggles, suction devices and more

Whenever you handle hazardous substances, it is mandatory to wear protective gowns, goggles and gloves. Lab coats with a cotton content of at least 35 percent with long sleeves that fit close to the body are basic equipment in many areas. The material should not melt or burn. With regard to eye protection, all laboratory employees are required to wear frame goggles with a side protection element. If this is waived, this must be documented. The safety goggles must have the appropriate visual acuity - or you may wear so-called over-glasses instead to protect your eyes as best as possible. Ideally, choose cork goggles when filling hazardous substances. Hand and face shields are also mandatory under certain conditions. Shoes must be closed-toe, slip-resistant or slip-resistant, and comfortable.

Whether the laboratory regularly requires the open use of dusts, volatile hazardous materials, gases, or other substances, exhaust devices should be in operation for each work step and checked at regular intervals for proper function and performance. The same applies to eye and body showers. They, too, must be constantly inspected and tested.

MedSolut expert tip on maternity protection

Depending on the project, there may be a particular risk to the expectant mother and her unborn child when handling substances commonly used in everyday laboratory work. Our competence team will be happy to advise you in this regard. Then you will always be on the safe side.

The correct storage of chemical substances - to protect your personnel.

Damaged or defective containers in which chemical or harmful substances are stored represent a significant potential hazard. Label substances whose properties are not fully known with the statement "Caution, not fully tested substance." When storing carcinogenic, reprotoxic, or mutagenic substances, be sure to store them in appropriately labeled containers.

Flammable liquids should only be available in the quantity you actually need. Deposit the shatterproof containers in specially designed laboratory refrigerators, safety cabinets or in hazardous materials cabinets.

Experience shows that workplace accidents in laboratories are rarely due to technical defects or equipment deficiencies. In most cases, human error or ignorance are the cause. In addition, an overly routine approach to the tasks to be performed can also be a reason for accidents in the laboratory.


If you have any questions about the safety of your employees in the laboratory, you can always contact the team of specialists at MedSolut. We are happy to be there for you!

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