MedSolut AG

That was analytica 2022 - all important events at a glance

MedSolut AG
2022-08-04 08:30:00 / News Manufacturers Trends

With analytica 2022, the international laboratory trade fair opened its doors in Munich from June 21 to 24. There, 891 exhibitors from 39 countriesshowed what the future of laboratory and analytical technology, life sciences and biotechnology could look like – the focus was once again on digitalization in the laboratory and new methods for combating pandemics.

We have summarized here what the scientific exchange at analytica promoted, how our manufacturers BioSan, LAUDA and Asecos perceived the trade fair, which exhibitions were particularly exciting and what can be taken away overall.

Practical knowledge transfer at analytica 2022

After analytica last had to take a break for four years, it returned in 2022 with full success – more than 26,000 visitors were able to obtain comprehensive information on current topics, trends and developments from the fields of laboratory and analytical technology, life sciences and biotechnology. For this, 891 exhibitors from 39 countries had arrived. Thus, nothing stood in the way of a practical transfer of knowledge and an international exchange about the laboratory “of tomorrow”.

The supporting program also featured extensive application areas, ranging from automated workflows and robotics to networking and virtual reality. In addition, there were various presentations on current topics such as COVIS-19, food and environmental analysis and possibilities for the personalization of medicine. At the analytica conference, almost 200 presentations focused in particular on topics related to water analysis, metabolome research and data management.

analytica 2022 – personal exchange counts

Our brand manufacturers AsecosBioSan and LAUDA were also represented at the trade fair again this year and shared their experiences and impressions with us afterwards and gave us a small preview of their new products. The general mood among manufacturers with regard to analytica 2022, which finally took place again “in real life” after a two-year pandemic, is consistently positive.

“For us it was a highlight to be there live again after such a long break. The exchange with the trade fair visitors was intensive and very good. Our live presentations at the “Occupational Health and Safety” forum were also very well received by visitors,” reports Katharina Fahrenbusch from Asecos.

This opinion is shared by Krista Kanberga-Silina from BioSan: “After the long social distancing, it was great to meet long-lost partners in person and not just see them on video calls. It was exciting to see what new products and solutions have been developed by the industry in recent years. As BioSan celebrates its thirtieth anniversary this year, it was especially rewarding to meet BioSan distributors and people who work in the labs where our equipment is used every day.”

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Dr. Gunther Wobser, Managing Partner of LAUDA and Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Board of the leading trade fair emphasized, “It was a great pleasure to be able to exchange ideas directly and personally with our partners and customers again. It is precisely these technical discussions and direct contact that provide such important impetus from within our industry.”

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The laboratory of tomorrow – digitalization, occupational safety, analytics

The analytica conference, which was held at the ICM on the first three days of the trade show, was all about science and industry coming together. The main topics discussed were those that will be particularly relevant in the future, including nanoplastics, cancer diagnostics and antibiotic-resistant germs in water. At the same time, it was noted where the current limitations lie and how these can be overcome in the future.

The multifaceted topics in the “Laboratory of Tomorrow” also includeddigitization as a central trend. Companies from various industries presented approaches, research and concepts on what everyday laboratory life could look like in the future. The special show “Digital Transformation” placed itself entirely in this light and enabled half-hour presentations for corresponding companies – and ventures.

Even more safety in the laboratory: Asecos announces world first

In addition to the aspect of digitalization, sustainability also plays a central role in the laboratory of the future, reports Katharina Fahrenbusch from Asecos. “We have been particularly struck by the fact that more and more users are taking sustainability aspects into account when selecting products and services for the laboratory sector.” For this reason, the manufacturer’s Safety Assistance System (SAS module) was also particularly well received by visitors to the trade show. The tool monitors the exhaust air volume of safety cabinets. In this way, an explosive atmosphere can be prevented from developing due to an insufficient exhaust air volume. At the same time it recognizes to exhaust air volume and thus high energy consumption.

In addition, Asecos presented its technically revised recirculating air filter attachment for venting safety cabinets and the innovativeION LINE safety cabinets for storing lithium-ion batteries as well as the PURIFIAIR.620 Air purifier . For all those who want to bring even more safety to their workplace, the company has a world first in store at the upcoming Achema in Frankfurt: thenew Type 90-tested V-CLASSIC-90 multirisk cabinet. It now allows space-saving storage of flammable liquids, acids and alkalis, and poisons directly at the workplace with maximum fire protection. Among other things, this is ensured by a completely new cabinet structure and an integrated, efficient ventilation system. All interested parties are cordially invited to come and see the world first for themselves, says Katharina Fahrenbusch, “You will find our booth at Achema Hall 4.1 Stand A78 – we look forward to seeing you there.”

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Innovative shakers from BioSan inspire trade visitors

The IoT (Internet of Things) is also gaining more and more acceptance in the laboratory industry, which was also noticed by Krista Kanberga-Silina from BioSan at this year’s analytica. So it was not surprising that visitors to the show were very active in asking about equipment such asTS-100C Smart or RTS systems. The manufacturer’s state-of-the-art devices offer the ability to track data remotely. “Multifunctional devices, digitalization and automation in the laboratory field are something that won’t lose its relevance anytime soon in the future,” Silina said.

For this reason, the manufacturer also presented its extensive range of bestsellers and new products for bioprocessors, immunology laboratories and laboratories involved in molecular genetics at the trade fair.

In particular, the new equipment includes ES-20/80C shaker incubator with cooling and and RCP-24 homogenizer. Another highlight is the CTR-6, a CO2-resistant tube roller. In addition, the new blocks for the best-sellers TS-100 and TS-100C were a source of enthusiasm.

In the future, too, there will be innovative devices from BioSan that will be optimally integrated into the laboratory of the future. Thus, according to Krista Kanberga-Silina, the manufacturer continues to work on improving existing equipment and adding exciting new products to the range. “In the near future, we will expand our already extensive product line to include theImager C and Imager F – instruments that enable combined colorimetric MicroArray and ELISPOT imaging, as well as Fluorescent MicroArray imaging,” Kanberga-Silina said.

Process thermostats with voice control, mobile ultra-low freezers and digital products from LAUDA

As reported by the company LAUDA, the professional audience met with particularly great interest the exhibited product innovations of the manufacturer. Above all, the world novelty, “the first mobile ultra-low temperature freezer, equipped with modern Li-ion battery technology for the safe transport of vaccines, samples or pharmaceuticals, was particularly fascinating. Temperature-sensitive active ingredients are thus stored and transported safely and in a controlled manner, CO₂ emissions are reduced, and the occupational safety of logisticians is significantly increased by not using dry ice.”

The new generation of LAUDA Integral process thermostats, which were developed for a comprehensive range of applications from -90 to 320 °C, as well as an innovative temperature control unit with an intelligent interface concept and intuitive control via mobile devices, also impressed visitors. With the pioneering technology demonstration “Hey LAUDA”, the process thermostats can be operated by voice control for the first time. The devices can thus be controlled easily and conveniently via short and simple commands.

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Nanoplastics and PFAS as a new challenge in food analysis

In the context of the world’s leading trade fair for laboratory technology, biotechnology and analytics, questions relating tofood control and technology were also discussed. Food analysts addressed the significance of micro- and nanoplastics in the food industry and emphasized that this topic is not only relevant for environmental laboratories.

In particular,FT-IR and Raman microscopes could be utilized to determine the composition, size – and thus the effect – of these small particles. The session “Nanoplastics” is thus primarily about imaging and chemical analysis, which makes the determination of all important parameters possible.

At the same time, two presentations dealt with PFAS (perfluorinated alkyl substances), which have now been detected in many different foods. These persistent chemicals, which are actually used in products such as outdoor clothing, baking powder and the like, should be detectable in the future with new customized analytical instruments (Gerstel Company). This automated system makes even a few nanograms of PFAS visible in water.

Fingerprinting ensures greater safety in food laboratories

In the future, bioanalytics will address the problem of false or incorrect food declarations, providing greater certainty in a market beset by shortages and price increases. For example, food adulterants (such as water in direct juice) and origins can be determined and traced using isotope ratio mass spectrometry (Elementar Company) – with minimal effort.

Elements such as hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are used as recognition features, providing elemental information on cultivation, origin and additives. In addition, there is a refined DNA fingerprinting for goods inspections (company Eurofins). It can be concluded from analytica that above all foodomics, genomics, proteomics and similar methods will become market-dominating in the coming years. This can improve safety in food laboratories while creating a “transparent” product for the end consumer.

COVID-19 – new approaches for control

In 2022, research surrounding the COVID 19 pandemic will continue to be one of analytica’s key topics – after all, the virus contributed to the fact that the trade show could only be held “live and in color” again this year. In analytics and biotechnology, COVID-19 led to increased research interest primarily in PCR app, high-tech analyzer development, and vaccine generation. About 120 exhibitors brought ideas and innovations on this topic.

In particular, the specification of existing analytical methods under a certain time pressure was discussed and their results presented. These included, for example, chromatography, mass spectrometry, and vaccine characterization in pandemic response (Thermo Fisher Scientific company), as well as studies of lipids that can be used as mRNA carriers for vaccines. Renowned experts such as virologists Prof. Dr. Jonas SchmidtChanasit and Prof. Dr. Helga Rübsamen-Schaeff gave presentations on these topics.

Insbesondere die Spezifizierung der vorhandenen Analysemethoden unter einem gewissen Zeitdruck wurde besprochen und deren Ergebnisse vorgestellt. Dazu gehörten zum Beispiel Chromatographie, Massenspektronomie und Vakzin-Charakterisierung in der Pandemiebewältigung (Firma Thermo Fisher Scientific) sowie Untersuchungen an Lipiden, die als mRNA-Träger für Impfstoffe genutzt werden können. Namenhafte Experten wie die Virologen Prof. Dr. Jonas SchmidtChanasit und Prof. Dr. Helga Rübsamen-Schaeff hielten Beiträge zu diesen Thematiken.

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Focus on smear systems and PCR technology

In addition, a patented tube was presented as a new collection system for swab and saliva samples (Zymo Research company), which is functional entirely without a cold chain – the liquid it contains renders viruses harmless and preserves the samples. In this course, additional primers and probes have been offered to assist in viral detection, antibody and protein determination, and detection of viral mechanisms.

The innovations in the field of PCR technology (Bio Rad company) – again with a view to COVID-19 – are also impressive. For example, new assays can be used for early detection of pandemic waves in wastewater, with the PCR sample processed for multiple heating and cooling cycles in a thermal cycler. Via app (Clemens company) this time-consuming undertaking remains controllable. An alternative is LAMP (loop-mediated isothermal amplification) (New England Biolabs company), which omits thermocycling and reduces the duration to half an hour.

Improving occupational safety in the laboratory

Other cornerstones of analytica 2022 included the interplay between occupational safety and pandemic events. Specialized aerosol-tight rotors, for example, were presented to preventviral material in the laboratory air(Eppendorf company). In the future, robotic support can be hoped for in the handling of toxic active ingredients, whereby powders can be weighed and transported into target vessels (exhibitor Axel Semrau, Mettler-Toledo and Jüke Systemtechnik). This is even possible under inert gas conditions.

All in all, the feedback from this year’s trade show is positive all around. The main themes of innovation, digitalization and the laboratory of the future were reflected in the products on display and live presentations, and inspired the trade visitors. We would like to thank our manufacturers for the exciting insights and are already looking forward to the next anlytica and are excited about which new, advanced products we will be able to discover then.

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