Advisor: Our 1×1 for precise measurement results
While in many professional or entrepreneurial areas it is often a matter of pounds, kilograms or tons, it is different in everyday laboratory work. Here, the focus is on milligram or even microgram values. With the help of specific measuring instruments and state-of-the-art laboratory technologies, precise measurement results have to be generated. This can be a difficult and very complex undertaking, as the measured values can be influenced by a wide variety of factors.
Depending on the environmental conditions, the results obtained often vary. Unless, that is, measuring instruments with innovative filter technologies and functions are used that are optimally adapted to the individual needs and requirements.
Confidence in modern laboratory balances and measuring instruments
Probably the most important characteristics of measuring technologies - regardless of their type - are functionality, precision and reliable usability. The aim is to make the processes in laboratories, institutes and companies as efficient as possible with regard to carrying out measurements, while at the same time generating precise, meaningful results.
The ability of the measuring instruments used to record different units is expected, as is the option to perform piece counting, percentage weighing or dynamic differential weighing. A robust design of the measuring technologies as well as a long service life are further factors that have an impact on the precision of the measurement results.
Precise measurement results reflect reality and create the basis for relevant decisions in everyday laboratory and institute work. It is therefore essential to use technologies that you can trust without having to perform repeat measurements for every test or experiment. Modern equipment is thus characterized by the fact that random and systematic measurement deviations are reduced to a minimum. It is necessary to be aware of the possible causes of the deviations and to eliminate them in advance. Only knowledge of these causes makes it possible to improve or sustainably optimize the precision of specific analysis and measurement procedures.

Focus on precision
It is in the nature of things that measurement results always fluctuate to a greater or lesser extent around a certain value. Depending on the value of the respective measurement method, they also deviate to a greater or lesser extent by a realistic value. In this respect, two types of fluctuations are defined:
- the random measurement deviations and the
- systematic fluctuations.
In order to reduce measurement deviations against the background of achieving precise measurement results in every analysis process, it is primarily the value and the nature of the measurement technologies that are important. The smaller the measurement deviation in single values or in measurement series, the higher the precision in the respective analysis procedures. The combination of random and systematic measurement deviations is generally referred to as precision or accuracy. This is thus the generic term for precision in measurement technology.
Achieving measurement results with high accuracy
Basically, it is necessary to identify and minimize all those factors that cause or give rise to random or systematic measurement deviations. Sample preparation, environmental influences, time dependencies, equipment characteristics, faulty adjustments, experimental aspects or even possible inadequacies of the analyst are frequent influences that affect the precision of the measurement results. In addition, negligence or gross errors on the part of those responsible must be listed.
Tip from the MedSolut team
Single measurements or series of measurements should always be performed under constant conditions. Thus, analytical results which have been measured with dissimilar methods usually lead to different results. Experience makes it clear that the sensitivity of measurement technologies, the instrument resolution, but also factors such as their linearity and the detection limit can be other notable triggers of measurement deviations.c
Create the ideal conditions for precise results
Depending on the substances you are working with, it makes sense to find out in advance whether it is possible to draw conclusions about the population from the samples selected in each case. Samples that are taken from different locations may - depending on their type and size - not be reunited. Sometimes sample-specific individual measurements are recommended in this respect. The creation of a sampling structure or sampling plan can help to prevent deviations. On the other hand, however, an improperly created sampling plan contributes to generating random or systematic measurement deviations.
Accordingly, anticipatory organization and conceptual design is required here. Eliminating environmental influences also takes on a high priority if you want to exclude measurement deviations. If necessary, you should isolate the measuring system from the environment in such a way that faultless measurements are possible with the available equipment. Last but not least, the use of first-class calibrated measuring equipment is one of the main factors in achieving maximum accuracy in measurements and analyses.
In this regard, MedSolut experts advise paying attention to factors such as possible contamination, vibrations, pressure and temperatures. Heating and cooling rates, possible container deformations, frequencies, but also atmospheric conditions also have an effect on the analysis values. Accordingly, it is advisable to work with sensitivity and the right measuring technologies here as well.
Take the time and let the experienced specialists advise you on precise measurement results. At you will find a first-class range of selected measurement technologies that are perfectly tailored to the needs and requirements of your company or institute. Would you like to learn more about precise measurements? Then don't hesitate to contact us.