How climate neutral are we really? What science says
For many years, many millions of euros have been invested in climate protection research. Thus, mainly those projects are subsidized that lead to a sustainable reduction of CO² emissions. Researchers want to achieve a reduction in CO² emissions of up to 350 metric tons by 2030 compared to 2014. What is the real state of our climate neutrality?
Climate neutrality: looking to the future
A study published by the Federal Environment Agency on the subject of “Greenhouse gas-neutral Germany in 2050” made it clear that it was perfectly possible, even for such a large industrialized country, to reduce CO² emissions by up to 95 percent compared with the 1990s. This statement forms the basis for the currently launched RESCUE project, which puts the link between climate protection and neutrality in relation to resource use to the test.
Experts agree: In the long term, it may even be possible to achieve minimal values – even at a zero emissions level. The prerequisite for this is sustainable agricultural and forestry management and a more ecologically compatible way of life in our society.
Something is happening in terms of climate protection
In 2014, the German government’s climate protection plan put total CO² emissions at a staggering 890 million metric tons. Over time, numerous projects have been launched with a focus on energy, climate and sustainability. Whether circular economy, biodiversity or ocean cleanup– many projects are excellently thought out and provide practical solutions with a view to climate protection.
The Copernicus project “SynErgie” is targeting large industrial consumersand has set itself the goal of dealing with surplus electricity in a more economically sensible way. The budget to support the project is 30 million euros for the next three years. Among other things,the focus is on making the generation of environmentally friendly hydrogen socially acceptableand bringing it to “market readiness”. Over 260 companies and institutions from the fields of business, research and society are involved in this project.
CO² emissions in a nutshell
CO² emissions occur in a wide variety of areas of everyday life as well as at the commercial and industrial level. Especially in these areas, climate gas emissions are immense:
- 24 percentis accounted for by electricity and heating
- 15 percent is attributable to the area of nutrition
- 19 percentis attributable to mobility
- 8 percent is attributable to general administration
- 34 percentis attributable to public infrastructure
According to current statistics, the transport sector is largely responsible for Germany’s CO² emissions. Thus, automotive, supplier and chemical companies, as well as research institutes and similar institutions, are highly committed to developing synthetic fuels. The development of environmentally oriented electric motors and fuel cells also plays an important role in this context.
The reduction of CO² emissions in the building or real estate sector can also have an impact on the development of the targeted goals. Because cities and municipalities will only manage to become more climate-neutral to a limited extent on their own, several symmetrically conceived projects have been set up. These so-called lighthouse projects in Stuttgart, Esslingen, Oldenburg, Kaiserslautern as well as in Holstein Heath are intended to help ensure greater energy efficiency through solar construction.
Future-oriented research of the highest order
Not only large companies, but also small and medium-sized enterprises are working flat out to drive technological progress in terms of climate neutrality. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)has already been supporting SMEs throughout Germany since 2007 with a funding initiative totaling over 1.25 billion euros. Around 130 million euros of this will be spent on topics such as climate protection and energy efficiency.
Bio-economy as a sustainable form of economy
Over the years, a solid biological knowledge has been acquired. Among other things, we have learned to conserve resources in a variety of ways and to use them more efficiently than before.It has thus been possible to replace fossil raw materials with renewable ones and thus significantly reduce CO² emissions. In addition, innovative bio-refinery concepts have become established, with which biomass can be put to higher-value and more diverse use.
Nowadays, there are bio-based methods with which entrepreneurs are able to increasingly use CO² as a raw material for the production of higher-value substances or compounds. Newly acquired knowledge from the field of plant breeding research also plays an essential role in climate neutrality. New plant varieties are to be used to ensure better CO² fixationand to secure higher yields through a resulting change in photosynthesis. And even under difficult growing conditions.
Using individual room for maneuver
Both the daily round trip to work and occasional air travel can drastically increase CO² emissions. Whether in the private sector or on a commercial level – fundamental decisions around energy supply, transport, mobility, nutrition, etc. are what count. Accordingly, not only research, but every individual is called upon to keep climate neutrality in mind.
Video: medsolutTV - This is the state of our climate neutrality
In the first video of the new “Climate” series, he gets to the bottom of the current state of affairs and highlights, among other things, which industries are already working largely climate-neutral, which goals we are pursuing and where the journey should go. See for yourself:
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